Originally written as a PR piece for Aliens Tattoo
Piercings are a great way to modify your body. If you have ever been interested in body art, body piercings could be just the thing for you. In recent times, smaller body modifications have become quite trendy, with modifications ranging from pierced ears to more extreme implanted modifications. The possibilities are endless and they're both beautiful and a wonderfully creative way to express yourself.
The most common piercings are generally facial, the nose, ears, eyebrows, tongues, upper and lower lips and chins. Body piercings tend to be more subjective, but naval piercings are still quite common.
Dos and don'ts of piercings:
1. Make sure to clean your hands whenever you touch your piercing.
2. Avoid touching and over-cleaning your piercing, as it affects the healing of the piercing. Don't clean your piercing more than twice a day.
3. Leave the piercing alone except while cleaning.
4. The best time to remove any dry build up is while taking a shower, but be sure to avoid any harsh soaps.
5. Be sure to dab the pierced area dry after cleaning with water.
6. Make sure to apply the aftercare lotion around the pierced area, on the jewellery and at the entry and exit sites of the piercings to make sure the medication makes its way into the piercing wound and doesn't stay just around it.
7. Gently move the piercing up and down, or rotate it gently if it is a ring.
8. After applying the medication, make sure you clean away the excess.
9. While applying medication, be sure not to mix types, and only use one.
10. Avoid products that are drying, that may affect the healing process of your piercing negatively.
11. Mouthwashes are only for oral use and could negatively affect the healing process if applied in any other area.
12. Avoid salival or sexual contact (in the case of oral and genital piercings) for at least 2 weeks after getting pierced.
13. Make sure you clean your piercings after working out.
14. Avoid using spray solutions to clean your piercings. 15. The jewellery is not to be changed for at least six to eight weeks. 16. Avoid wearing clothes that are tight or those that will cause friction or irritation on or around the pierced area. What to expect after getting pierced: 1. It is normal for the piercing to bleed, swell up and bruise immediately after getting pierced. 2. The body cleans itself, so experiencing some clear fluid secretions is completely normal. 3. The piercing may tighten around the jewellery as the skin around it heals. 4. It is advisable to always keep the jewellery in, because the piercing can close up, even after having it for years. 5. The healing process is slow and it is imperative that you continue the cleaning even after the piercing seems to be healed, as the wound heals from the outside in, and infection is possible if the hygiene is compromised.
Regardless of where you get pierced, it's important to choose an experienced piercer, who uses only sterilise needles, instruments and jewellery. The piercer should give you detailed information about the procedure and how to care for your piercing after the procedure. But its also important that you care for your body piercing while the site heals. Keep the site clean, regularly bathe the site with soap and only handle the piercing when necessary.